Getting started
Copy <pnpm|bun> add @swapkit/helpers
Module for initialisation and handling asset operation in SwapKit and applications. It inherits from SwapKitNumber with change on eq
method, which gives easy way of handling operations with decimals precision taken from contract or static list
Copy import { AssetValue, Chain } from '@swapkit/helpers';
const btcAsset = AssetValue.fromChainOrIdentifier(Chain.Bitcoin)
const ethAsset = AssetValue.fromChainOrIdentifier(Chain.Ethereum)
const ethThorSynth = AssetValue.fromChainOrIdentifier(
Module for handling BigInt arithmetics gracefully with handling precision up to whatever decimal you need. Extends #bigintarithmetics
Copy import { SwapKitNumber } from '@swapkit/helpers';
const skNumber = new SwapKitNumber("0.0000000001");
const skNumber1 = new SwapKitNumber({ value: "0.0000000001", decimal: 10 });
const skNumber2 = new SwapKitNumber({ value: 0.1005, decimal: 3 });
const skNumber3 = new SwapKitNumber({ value: -0.1005, decimal: 3 });
const numericValue = skNumber.getValue("number")
const stringValue = skNumber.getValue("string")
const bigintValue = skNumber.getValue("bigint")
const usdLikeNumber = new SwapKitNumber(1234.5678);
// "1200"
const significant2 = usdLikeNumber.toSignificant(2)
// "1234"
const significant4 = usdLikeNumber.toSignificant(4)
// "1234.56"
const significant6 = usdLikeNumber.toSignificant(6)
// "1234.5678"
const significant8 = usdLikeNumber.toSignificant(8)
const bigNumber = new SwapKitNumber(1234567890.5678);
// "1.23B"
const abbr = bigNumber.toAbbreviation()
const skNumber = new SwapKitNumber(1234.5678);
// "$1,234.56"
const defaultCurrency = skNumber.toCurrency();
// "1 234,56€"
const customCurrency = skNumber.toCurrency("€", {
decimalSeparator: ",",
thousandSeparator: " ",
currencyPosition: "end",
const addedNumbers = skNumber.add(skNumber1)
const subtractedNumbers = skNumber.sub(skNumber1)
const mulNumbers = skNumber.mul(skNumber1)
const addedNumbers = skNumber.div(skNumber1)
const isGreater =
const isGreaterOrEqual = skNumber.gte(skNumber1)
const isLower =
const isLowerOrEqual = skNumber.lte(skNumber1)
const isEqual = skNumber.eq(skNumber1)
getTHORNameCost(numberOfYears: string): number
Returns value of RUNE needed to register thorname for X years
getMAYANameCost(numberOfYears: string): number
Returns value of CACAO needed to register mayaname for X years
derivationPathToString([number, number, number, number, ?number]): string
Parses array of 4/5 numbers to derivation path like: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 | m/44'/60'/0'/0
getDerivationPathFor({ index: number; chain:
Chain ; type?: "legacy" | "ledgerLive" | "nativeSegwitMiddleAccount" | "segwit" }): [number, number, number, number, ?number]
Parses array of 4/5 numbers to derivation path like: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 | m/44'/60'/0'/0
validateTNS(name: string): boolean
Validates if provided name is valid for THORChain / Mayachain Name Service registration
Copy enum ApiUrl {
Cosmos = '',
MayanodeMainnet = '',
MayanodeStagenet = '',
ThornodeMainnet = '',
ThornodeStagenet = '',
ThorswapApi = '',
ThorswapStatic = '',
Copy enum BaseDecimal {
ARB = 18,
AVAX = 18,
BCH = 8,
BNB = 8,
BSC = 18,
BTC = 8,
DOGE = 8,
ETH = 18,
GAIA = 6,
LTC = 8,
MATIC = 18,
MAYA = 10,
OP = 18,
THOR = 8,
Copy enum Chain {
Arbitrum = "ARB",
Avalanche = "AVAX",
Binance = "BNB",
BinanceSmartChain = "BSC",
Bitcoin = "BTC",
BitcoinCash = "BCH",
Cosmos = "GAIA",
Dash = "DASH",
Dogecoin = "DOGE",
Ethereum = "ETH",
Kujira = "KUJI",
Litecoin = "LTC",
Maya = "MAYA",
Optimism = "OP",
Polkadot = "DOT",
Chainflip = "FLIP",
Polygon = "MATIC",
THORChain = "THOR",
Copy enum ChainId {
Arbitrum = "42161",
ArbitrumHex = "0xa4b1",
Avalanche = "43114",
AvalancheHex = "0xa86a",
Binance = "Binance-Chain-Tigris",
BinanceSmartChain = "56",
BinanceSmartChainHex = "0x38",
Bitcoin = "bitcoin",
BitcoinCash = "bitcoincash",
Chainflip = "chainflip",
Cosmos = "cosmoshub-4",
Dash = "dash",
Dogecoin = "dogecoin",
Kujira = "kaiyo-1",
Ethereum = "1",
EthereumHex = "0x1",
Litecoin = "litecoin",
Maya = "mayachain-mainnet-v1",
MayaStagenet = "mayachain-stagenet-v1",
Optimism = "10",
OptimismHex = "0xa",
Polkadot = "polkadot",
Polygon = "137",
PolygonHex = "0x89",
THORChain = "thorchain-mainnet-v1",
THORChainStagenet = "thorchain-stagenet-v2",
Copy enum DerivationPath {
ARB = "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
AVAX = "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
BCH = "m/44'/145'/0'/0",
BNB = "m/44'/714'/0'/0",
BSC = "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
BTC = "m/84'/0'/0'/0",
DOGE = "m/44'/3'/0'/0",
ETH = "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
GAIA = "m/44'/118'/0'/0",
LTC = "m/84'/2'/0'/0",
MATIC = "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
MAYA = "m/44'/931'/0'/0",
OP = "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
THOR = "m/44'/931'/0'/0",
Copy enum ExplorerUrl {
Arbitrum = "",
Avalanche = "",
Binance = "",
BinanceSmartChain = "",
Bitcoin = "",
BitcoinCash = "",
Chainflip = "",
Cosmos = "",
Dash = "",
Dogecoin = "",
Ethereum = "",
Kujira = "",
Litecoin = "",
Maya = "",
Optimism = "",
Polkadot = "",
Polygon = "",
THORChain = "",
Copy enum FeeOption {
Average = 'average',
Fast = 'fast',
Fastest = 'fastest',
Copy const NetworkDerivationPath = {
ARB: [44, 60, 0, 0, 0],
AVAX: [44, 60, 0, 0, 0],
BCH: [44, 145, 0, 0, 0],
BNB: [44, 714, 0, 0, 0],
BSC: [44, 60, 0, 0, 0],
BTC: [84, 0, 0, 0, 0],
DOGE: [44, 3, 0, 0, 0],
ETH: [44, 60, 0, 0, 0],
GAIA: [44, 118, 0, 0, 0],
LTC: [84, 2, 0, 0, 0],
MATIC: [44, 60, 0, 0, 0],
MAYA: [44, 931, 0, 0, 0],
OP: [44, 60, 0, 0, 0],
THOR: [44, 931, 0, 0, 0],
Copy enum RPCUrl {
Arbitrum = '',
Avalanche = '',
Binance = '',
BinanceSmartChain = '',
Bitcoin = '',
BitcoinCash = '',
Cosmos = '',
Dogecoin = '',
Ethereum = '',
Litecoin = '',
Maya = '',
MayaStagenet = '',
Optimism = '',
Polygon = '',
THORChain = '',
THORChainStagenet = '',
Copy enum WalletOption {
'OKX' = 'OKX',
Copy type Asset = {
chain: Chain;
symbol: string;
ticker: string;
synth?: boolean;
Copy type ChainWallet = {
chain: Chain;
address: string;
balance: AssetValue[];
walletType: WalletOption;
Copy type CosmosChain =
| Chain.Cosmos
| Chain.THORChain
| Chain.Binance
| Chain.Maya
| Chain.Kujira;
Copy type DerivationPathArray = [number, number, number, number, ?number]
Copy type EVMChain =
| Chain.Ethereum
| Chain.Avalanche
| Chain.BinanceSmartChain
| Chain.Arbitrum
| Chain.Optimism
| Chain.Polygon;
Copy type GenericSwapParams = {
buyAsset: AssetValue;
sellAsset: AssetValue;
recipient: string;
Copy type SubstrateChain =
| Chain.Polkadot
| Chain.Chainflip;
Copy type UTXOChains =
| Chain.Bitcoin
| Chain.BitcoinCash
| Chain.Dogecoin
| Chain.Litecoin;
Error codes
Copy {
* Core
core_wallet_connection_not_found: 10001,
core_estimated_max_spendable_chain_not_supported: 10002,
core_extend_error: 10003,
core_inbound_data_not_found: 10004,
core_approve_asset_address_or_from_not_found: 10005,
core_plugin_not_found: 10006,
core_plugin_swap_not_found: 10007,
core_chain_halted: 10099,
* Core - Wallet Connection
core_wallet_xdefi_not_installed: 10101,
core_wallet_evmwallet_not_installed: 10102,
core_wallet_walletconnect_not_installed: 10103,
core_wallet_keystore_not_installed: 10104,
core_wallet_ledger_not_installed: 10105,
core_wallet_trezor_not_installed: 10106,
core_wallet_keplr_not_installed: 10107,
core_wallet_okx_not_installed: 10108,
core_wallet_keepkey_not_installed: 10109,
* Core - Swap
core_swap_invalid_params: 10200,
core_swap_route_not_complete: 10201,
core_swap_asset_not_recognized: 10202,
core_swap_contract_not_found: 10203,
core_swap_route_transaction_not_found: 10204,
core_swap_contract_not_supported: 10205,
core_swap_transaction_error: 10206,
core_swap_quote_mode_not_supported: 10207,
* Core - Transaction
core_transaction_deposit_error: 10301,
core_transaction_create_liquidity_rune_error: 10302,
core_transaction_create_liquidity_asset_error: 10303,
core_transaction_create_liquidity_invalid_params: 10304,
core_transaction_add_liquidity_invalid_params: 10305,
core_transaction_add_liquidity_no_rune_address: 10306,
core_transaction_add_liquidity_rune_error: 10307,
core_transaction_add_liquidity_asset_error: 10308,
core_transaction_withdraw_error: 10309,
core_transaction_deposit_to_pool_error: 10310,
core_transaction_deposit_insufficient_funds_error: 10311,
core_transaction_deposit_gas_error: 10312,
core_transaction_invalid_sender_address: 10313,
core_transaction_deposit_server_error: 10314,
core_transaction_user_rejected: 10315,
* Wallets
wallet_ledger_connection_error: 20001,
wallet_ledger_connection_claimed: 20002,
wallet_ledger_get_address_error: 20003,
wallet_ledger_device_not_found: 20004,
wallet_ledger_device_locked: 20005,
* Chainflip
chainflip_channel_error: 30001,
chainflip_broker_recipient_error: 30002,
* THORChain
* Helpers
helpers_number_different_decimals: 99101,