Getting started
<pnpm|bun> add @swapkit/api
import { SwapKitApi, setRequestClientConfig } from '@swapkit/api'
const { routes } = await SwapKitApi.getSwapQuote({
sellAsset: "BTC.BTC"
sellAmount: 1,
buyAsset: "ETH.ETH",
senderAddress: "bc1...."
recipientAddress: "0x...."
slippage: "3", // %
const bestRouteToSwapWith = routes[0]
Returns borrow quote params for requested asset to open loan. It includes all necessary info to execute transaction
const response = await SwapKitApi.getBorrowQuote({
assetIn: string;
assetOut: string;
slippage: string;
amount: string;
senderAddress: string;
recipientAddress: string;
Returns last price of provided tokens array. Price is cached for up to 10 seconds.
const response = await SwapKitApi.getCachedPrice({
// [{ identifier: "BTC.BTC" / assetValue.toString() }]
tokens: { identifier: string }[];
metadata?: "true" | "false";
lookup?: "true" | "false";
sparkline?: "true" | "false";
const btcUsdPrice = response.find(
(price) => price?.identifier === "BTC.BTC"
Returns gas rates for THORChain supported chains
const response = await SwapKitApi.getGasRates()
const ethGasRate = response.find((rate) => rate.chainId === ChainId.Ethereum)?.gas
const response = await SwapKitApi.getInboundAddresses()
const btcOnTCHalted = response.find(({ chain }) => chainId === Chain.Bitcoin)?.halted
const ethRouter = response.find(({ chain }) => chainId === Chain.Ethereum)?.router
const response = await SwapKitApi.getLastBlock()
const lastETHBlockObserved = response.find(
({ chain }) => chain === Chain.Ethereum
const response = await SwapKitApi.getLendingAssets()
const btc = AssetValue.fromChainOrSignature(Chain.Bitcoin)
const currentBtcLTV = response.find(({ asset }) => asset === btc.toString())?.ltvPercentage
// { address: '...', asset: assetValue.toString()
const response = await SwapKitApi.getLoans({ address: string; asset: string })
const { debtIssued, debtRepaid } = response || {}
getLogoForAsset(assetString: string): string
const btc = AssetValue.fromChainOrSignature(Chain.Bitcoin)
const btcLogo = SwapKitApi.getLogoForAsset(btc.toString()) //
// ...
function Component() {
<img src={btcLogo} />
const thorchainMimir = await SwapKitApi.getMimirInfo()
const mayaStagenetMimir = await SwapKitApi.getMimirInfo({ stagenet: true, type: "mayachain" })
const tcHalted = thorchainMimir.HALTCHAINGLOBAL >= 1
const mayaStagenetHalted = thorchainMimir.HALTCHAINGLOBAL >= 1
const nodes = await SwapKitApi.getNodes()
const mostSlashedNode = nodes.concat().sort((a, b) => b.slash_points - a.slash_points)[0]
getRepayQuote(searchParams: RepayParams): Promise<RepayResponse>
const response = await SwapKitApi.getRepayQuote({
repayAsset: string;
collateralAsset: string;
amountPercentage: string;
senderAddress: string;
collateralAddress: string;
affiliateBasisPoints: string;
affiliateAddress: string;
const repayValue = response?.repayAssetAmountUSD
const memoToRepayLoan = response?.memo
const response = await SwapKitApi.getSwapQuote({
buyAsset: string;
recipientAddress?: string;
sellAmount: string;
sellAsset: string;
senderAddress?: string;
slippage: string;
const bestQuoteUSD = response.routes?.[0]?.expectedOutputUSD
const response = await SwapKitApi.getTHORChainPools("7d")
const btcPoolAPY = response.find(({ asset }) => asset === "BTC.BTC")?.poolAPY
Returns array of thorname details.
const response = await SwapKitApi.getTHORNameDetails("t")
const owner = response?.owner
getTHORNamesByAddress(thorAddress: string): Promise<string[]>
Returns array of thornames assigned by address
const assignedThornames = await SwapKitApi.getTHORNamesByAddress("thor123")
getTHORNamesByOwner(thorAddress: string): Promise<string[]>
Returns array of thornames owned by address
const ownedThornames = await SwapKitApi.getTHORNamesByOwner("thor123")
const response = await SwapKitApi.getTokenList("Thorchain")
const { name, tokens } = response
const { address, chain, identifier, logoURL } = tokens[0]
getTokenListProviders(): Promise<TokenListProvidersResponse>
const response = await SwapKitApi.getTokenListProviders()
const providers = response?.map((tokenList) => tokenList.provider)
Type references
type BorrowParams = {
assetIn: string;
assetOut: string;
slippage: string;
amount: string;
senderAddress: string;
recipientAddress: string;
type BorrowResponse = {
amountIn: string;
amountOut: string;
amountOutMin: string;
calldata: BorrowCalldata;
complete: boolean;
estimatedTime: number;
expectedCollateralDeposited: string;
expectedDebtIssued: string;
expectedOutput: string;
expectedOutputMaxSlippage: string;
expectedOutputMaxSlippageUSD: string;
expectedOutputUSD: string;
fees: QuoteRoute["fees"];
fromAsset: string;
memo: string;
recipientAddress: string;
route: { meta: {
thornodeMeta: { inboundConfirmationSeconds: number; outboundDelay: number }
} };
streamingSwap?: {
estimatedTime: number;
expectedCollateralDeposited: string;
expectedDebtIssued: string;
expectedOutput: string;
expectedOutputMaxSlippage: string;
expectedOutputMaxSlippageUSD: string;
expectedOutputUSD: string;
fees: QuoteRoute["fees"];
memo: string;
swaps: QuoteRoute["swaps"];
targetAddress: string;
toAsset: string;
type CachedPricesParams = {
tokens: { identifier: string }[];
metadata?: "true" | "false";
lookup?: "true" | "false";
sparkline?: "true" | "false";
type CachedPrice = {
identifier: string;
price_usd: number;
cg?: {
id?: string;
name?: string;
market_cap?: number;
total_volume?: number;
price_change_24h_usd?: number;
price_change_percentage_24h_usd?: number;
sparkline_in_7d?: string;
timestamp?: number;
type BorrowParams = {
assetIn: string;
assetOut: string;
slippage: string;
amount: string;
senderAddress: string;
recipientAddress: string;
type InboundAddressesItem = {
address: string;
chain: string;
gas_rate?: string;
halted: boolean;
pub_key: string;
router?: string;
type ThornodeEndpointParams = {
type?: "thorchain" | "mayachain";
stagenet?: boolean;
type TokenListProvidersResponse = Array<{
provider: string;
nbTokens: number;
type TokensResponse = {
keywords: string[];
name: string;
timestamp: string;
version: { major: number; minor: number; patch: number };
tokens: Array<{
address?: string;
chain: string;
chainId: string;
decimals?: number;
identifier: string;
logoURL?: string;
ticker: string;
tokenlist: string;
type THORNameDetails = {
entries: Array<{ address: string; chain: string }>;
owner: string;
expire: string;
type PoolDetail = {
annualPercentageRate: string;
asset: string;
assetDepth: string;
assetPrice: string;
assetPriceUSD: string;
liquidityUnits: string;
poolAPY: string;
runeDepth: string;
saversAPR: string;
saversDepth: string;
saversUnits: string;
status: string;
synthSupply: string;
synthUnits: string;
units: string;
volume24h: string;
type PoolPeriod = "1h" | "24h" | "7d" | "30d" | "90d" | "100d" | "180d" | "365d";
type QuoteRoute = {
approvalTarget?: string;
approvalToken?: string;
calldata: Calldata;
complete?: boolean;
contract?: string;
contractInfo: string;
contractMethod?: string;
estimatedTime: number;
evmTransactionDetails?: EVMTransactionDetails;
expectedOutput: string;
expectedOutputMaxSlippage: string;
expectedOutputMaxSlippageUSD: string;
expectedOutputUSD: string;
fees: {
[key in Chain]: Array<{
type: string;
asset: string;
networkFee: number;
networkFeeUSD: number;
affiliateFee: number;
affiliateFeeUSD: number;
totalFee: number;
totalFeeUSD: number;
isOutOfPocket: boolean;
slipFee?: number;
slipFeeUSD?: number;
inboundAddress: string;
index: number;
isPreferred?: boolean;
meta: Meta;
optimal: boolean;
path: string;
providers: string[];
subProviders: string[];
swaps: {
[key: string]: Array<
from: string;
to: string;
toTokenAddress: string;
parts: { provider: string; percentage: number }[];
targetAddress: string;
timeEstimates?: TimeEstimates;
transaction?: Todo;
streamingSwap?: {
estimatedTime: number;
fees: QuoteRoute["fees"];
expectedOutput: string;
expectedOutputMaxSlippage: string;
expectedOutputUSD: string;
expectedOutputMaxSlippageUSD: string;
savingsInAsset: string;
savingsInUSD: string;
maxQuantity: number;
maxIntervalForMaxQuantity: number;
type QuoteParams = {
affiliateAddress?: string;
affiliateBasisPoints?: string;
buyAsset: string;
isAffiliateFeeFlat?: string;
recipientAddress?: string;
sellAmount: string;
sellAsset: string;
senderAddress?: string;
slippage: string;
type LastBlockItem = {
chain: string;
last_observed_in: number;
last_signed_out: number;
thorchain: number;
type LendingAssetItem = {
asset: string;
assetDepthAssetAmount: string;
runeDepthAssetAmount: string;
loanCr: string;
loanStatus: "GREEN" | "YELLOW" | "RED";
loanCollateral: string;
derivedDepthPercentage: string;
filledPercentage: string;
lendingAvailable: boolean;
ltvPercentage: string;
type LoansResponse = {
owner: string
asset: string;
debtIssued: string;
debtRepaid: string;
debtCurrent: string;
collateralCurrent: string;
collateralDeposited: string;
collateralWithdrawn: string;
lastOpenHeight: number;
ltvPercentage: string;
Last updated